This is Nicole, our dotter...
She is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (CKCS for short). And in case you are wondering, yes, she does behave like royalty :)) The little princess is spoilt rotten by
moi, although she does get slapped by the Mrs on occasion when she takes the aristocratic bloodline a tad too far. Then she comes yelping to me.
We have another doggie we picked up from a pet shelter but I digress.
Nicole has never had a tick problem. Well not until last week when my wifey returned from a business trip to the UK. And yes, I got blamed for it since the princess was under my care. She called me a "hopeless fudder" *roll eyes* and admonished me with "I go away for a week only lidat" *roll eyes and fold arms*. Hmph!
We still dunno where Nicole picked up the creepy 8-leggies from. Her royal schedule and royal pee-and-poo route did not change when the wifey was away.
Wifey has fumigated our apartment with Tick-killer. I shall not reveal how many bastards crawled out from under our bed. Ewww. There was a Mother-tick the size of a watermelon seed and she had other baby-ticks on her body. New meaning to the word
joyride siah.
At its peak, we found 14 creepy-crawlies on her. Poor girl. While our other dog had only 2. Maybe Nicole's blood is sweeter. Just this morning we found 1 more. Marked 'improvement' I suppose.
Well the extermination continues...will update on progress...