Later today, I move house for the 3rd time in 2 years.
The good people at the Movers know me well. Well enough to give me a discount it seems. But not before checking their database and remarking that I seem to be quite the Itchy Backside. Ok they didn't exactly put it that way but something to that effect
lah =)) Diplomatically of course.
Anyway I have become quite the expert house-mover and this time, it was a little less painful than the previous occasion. Now I instinctively know what I need, which items should go together into which cartons, how may cartons I would use, how to pack the fragile stuff, when to call and what to tell the cable and electricity people
et cetera. You know, the drill.
Less painful no doubt but still a veritable shove up the arse.
Moving house can be fun, if you're starting your own family, or upgrading, or even about to begin a new life and career in another country. Yes it may be irritating to pack and dust off all those cobwebs but at least there is something to look forward to. A light at the end of the tunnel.
Well, I am technically downgrading, not about to start another family (god forbid!) and will be shifting to a poorer neighbourhood (in the same country!) =/ I talked about this earlier in another entry. Its about better cashflow and financial sense
lah. And a little less vanidity, I hope.
But still, it sucks!
Barely a year ago, K and me were actually looking to buy a nice split-level terrace house in the suburbs or an apartment by the Nature Reserve or even knocking down an existing old but freehold property to re-build. The speed and magnitude of the changes that have occured in our lives since then scares me.
Yes we're still gonna live apart. At least for now. Until we can sought out what we really want.
So its
Au Revoir Sengkang,
Bonjour Hougang in approximately 9 hours. Lets see how long it would be before it would be
Au Revoir Hougang.
Something only we know.