Its bloody ironic.
This morning I had to deal with a young staff member who chalked up credit card debts 8 times his take-home salary. And in the afternoon, I received a record 6 telephone calls from banks offering me their lastest plastics with all the fancy bells-and-whistles plus subscription waivers.
Its just sad how the young, and not-so-young, these days, are sucked into the easy world of cashless spending. Only to find themselves living in a cesspool of cashless fending. Fending off the incessant demands for debt repayment and the mailbox-bursting stack of unpaid Bills that is.
You'll be surprised at the number of people who rollover their debt from one card to another and who are living way beyond their means. Blame society? Blame the CC companies? Blame greed? I reckon its a hard fight between Vanity and Stupidity.
Vanidity perhaps.
We should all be carrying Debit cards, unglam as they are. At least the pinch of the
moolah leaving your account as soon as the cashier swipes that piece of plastic will keep you naturally in check. But you can't show off that the big banks allow you to have the good stuff on their account for the time being, DCs are for sissies no?
But when you come crying to me after maxing out your 6th CC trying to keep the other 5 from making you a bankrupt, tell me who's the sissy?
Oh the scourge of
Vanidity! Whereforth art thou Common Sense?