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Monday, January 14, 2008

Lightning Will Strike You Down One Day

As I sat on the aging plastic deck chair staring out at the sky, watching the lightning in the sky and listening to the deafening roar of the accompanying thunderclaps, I reflected a little on life.

I have changed a lot the past few years. 3 years ago I was searching for identity and trying to find out who I really am. But now I have a better understanding of what I want out of life. And I find myself somewhat trapped in a situation which may not be the most conducive to achieve everything I want out of life.

Have you ever felt that way? You know what you want, and you know what you need to do to get it, but the situation you are in at that given point of time makes it impossible, impractical or too risky to go out and get what you want.

What does a man do in such a situation?

I am trying to take control of my happiness and take what I can whenever the right opportunities become available. Life happens only once and if you don't live it to the fullest you will never have another chance. And, you never know when you will be struck down by lightning!

The problem with this approach, is that we can't all have our cakes and eat them at the same time. Its a zero-sum game. For me to be completely happy, I fear it would mean certain unhappiness for one or two or three other people.


Blogger FlyingMuffyn said...

i've been sensing dat feeling in you lately...the nuances, the things u say, the moods...lucky for mi, circumstances hv somewhat removed the Zero-Sum game somewhat. And yet, sometimes, i feel the Game is still in progress!

1:01 AM  
Blogger kona said...

grab life by the scruff, bro...before it grabs YOU by the scruff...

damn, i could say that to meself... :S

7:16 PM  
Blogger princesslonglegs said...

to me, happiness in life, is to be significant in the lives of those around me, so that I'd be fondly remembered when I die. achievements wil only be dust-collecting medals on the wall - which wil rot in time, if I have no one to reminisce with me...

but that's for me of cos...

2:41 PM  

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