I turned 30 two years ago
At the time, I would have asked u so?
Had you told me I looked old
I would have kicked you for being bold
Reality bites
Like the wintry winds on december nites
When the kids start calling you unker
There's a feeling of being holed up in a bunker
Fee Fi Fo Fum!
Is all this fretting getting dumb?
Quizas Quizas Quizas perhaps
But why then the many siesta naps?
This cannot be
I'm only thirty, not fifty-three!
Lies, lies! all Lies!
I fear the end of chicken pies
Fab Abs, the new mantra
Get rid of the old Elantra?
I'll be achingly hip, you'll see
But sheesh, is that some pain in my knee?
Alas, time and tide waits for no man
Lets face it, I'm still an Abba fan
30 and not neccesarily uglier
At 40, I will be funkier!