It is not so simple after all.
I always think that once you found someone you really love,
you can go and tell her and we will be happy living together.
It has been some time, it is quite surprising that HDB has been so accomodating.
Though I did detect a slight (very) tinge of rebuke on the voice of Sales officer in charge of our case.
I keep thinking, should we keep the flat or dump it.
Are we ready to commit and plan for life together properly.
I keep coming back with the answer "Yes".
In all the episode, she did not say even a word of "Yes"
But I understand what she is thinking and how she felt.
I respect her. It is her future too.
When the sun has set, and the moon risen. The trees shed their old leaves for new ones.
They will still be there, we will not.
Everyday that passes by, diminish the promise that holds for us.
The time we could have "lived".
Be it sooner or later.
I wait.