UnkFM Is Playing : Love Story - Taylor Swift


Where Unkers over 30 sip Lavazzas, rave about Alfas and reminisce lost but not forgotten SoulmateS...

Friday, April 11, 2008


Someone told me over lunch today that I seem to have become a little meek and subdued these days.

And I would have to agree that nowadays, unless its something supremely major, I hardly work up a sweat agitating over the unsolvable ugliness of everyday living. There seems to be an eerie calm about me. An acceptance, as it were, of taking each waking hour as it comes. Slowly.

It has nothing to do with the fact that my current fascination is with the The Middle Way. At least I think so.

I don't need The Lord Budhha to teach me that Change is inevitable, to never say Never again and that really, this world could do with alittle more Honesty.

Hope it lasts though. This good behaviour that is...



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